Composer, Conducter, Accordionist Timo-Juhani Kyllönen

Works for the Stage, TV and Screen
Hemingway Opera Op. 82 in 11 scenes
Composed: 2015–2016
Chamber Opera
Libretto by Maritza Núñez (in Spanish). English translation by David Graham-Young
5 major roles (baritone, soprano, mezzosoprano, tenor and bass), Chamber Orchestra:
1011/000/2 perc. piano, strings
Duration: ca. 1 h 30 min
Supported by The Wihuri Foundation and The City of Espoo
Publisher: Fennica Gehrman
The Voice of Sokurov, a master of world cinema
music for a documentary film
Symphony Orchestra
Commissioned by Illume Ltd
Fb: The Anarkia Film Festival, Helsinki 2014
Written and directed by Leena Kilpeläinen
Érase que era, una niña (Miksi juuri minä?) Op. 85 in 13 scenes
Composed: 2011–2012
Family Opera
Libretto by Maritza Núñez (in Spanish). Finnish translation by Siboné Oroza.Tema: About bullying in school.
5 major roles (baritone, soprano, mezzosoprano, tenor bass and 1 actor), Chamber Ensemble:
violin, flute and piano.
Duration: ca. 50 min
Commissioned and produced by Teatro Británico, Patronato Peruano de la Música, Lima, Peru Directed by Jean Pierre Gamorra, Conductor, Carlos Ramírez
Publisher: Fennica Gehrman
Our Misha
film music for Finnish TV
Composed: 1982
accordion and violin
Commissioned by the Finnish Broadcasting Company/TV 1
Fb: Timo-Juhani Kyllönen, accordion, Maarit Kyllönen, violin, 1982
Directed by Riia Karhila
Publisher: Music Finland
Siberia (1984)
TV programme
Commissioned by the Finnish Broadcasting Company/TV 1
Fb: Timo-Juhani Kyllönen, accordion, 1982
Directed by Yrjö Länsipuro
Publisher: Music Finland
music for a TV film
Composed: 1988
string orchestra, small vocal and instrumental ensemble
Commissioned by the Finnish Broadcasting Company/TV 1
Fb: Ensemble, cond. Timo-Juhani Kyllönen, October 20, 1988
Directed by Tuija-Maija Niskanen
Publisher: Music Finland
Espíritu del bosque (Metsän henki) Op. 94 in 13 scenes
Composed: 2011–2012
Family Opera
Libretto by Maritza Núñez (in Spanish). Finnish translation by Timo-Juhani Kyllönen
3 major roles (baritone, mezzosoprano, tenor) Chamber Ensemble:
accordion, violin and percussion.
Duration: ca. 50 min
Commissioned and produced by The Theater Kapsäkki and Elementti ( Petri Pöyhönen,Vera Railio, Jukka Ojala)
Fp. Helsinki, May 18,The Theater Kapsäkki
Directed by Juulia Tapola
Publisher: Music Finland
TANGO SOLO, a story to be told Op.81 monologue opera for soprano and chamber ensemble in 13 scenes
Composed: 2010 – 2011
Chamber Opera
Libretto in Spanish by Maritza Núñez. English translation by David Graham-Young
1 soprano role, chamber orchestra (7 musician)
Flute, piano, accordion, string quartet or strings
Duration: ca. 55 min.
Produced by the Suomalainen kamariooppera and supported by The City of Espoo, Finland and Swedish Cultural Foundation
Fp: Riikka Hakola, sop. Conductor, Nils Schweckendiek, Uusinta- Ensemble
Directed by Vilppu Kiljunen
Espoo Sello Hall, January 12, 2011
Publisher: Fennica Gehrman
music for a documentary film
Composed: 2004
Directed by Jari Kokko
Fp: Spring 2004
Publisher: Music Finland
Roope, poika joka ei uskaltanut pelätä (Roope) Op. 76
Composed: 2004 – 2007
children’s opera
Libretto by Leena Laulajainen in Finnish
3 major roles (baritone, soprano and mezzosoprano), 4 minor roles/choir and orchestra
1111/1110/11/0, synthesizer, piano, strings
Duration: 1 h 5 min
Commissioned by the Suzuki Voice and Opera Group Crescendo and supported by The Finnish Cultural Foundation.
Fp: the Suzuki Voice and Opera Group Crescendo. Cond. Timo-Juhani Kyllönen,
Directed by Päivi Kukkamäki
Vantaa, November 15, 2007
Publisher: Music Finland
Norppaooppera Op.86 (The Seal Opera) Op. 86
Composed: 2012-2013
Koko perheen ooppera
Libretto, Iida Hämeen-Anttila (in Finnish,
6 major roles (baritone,soprano, mezzosoprano, tenor and bass), 10 minor roles/mixed choir, Children´s Choir and orchestra:
2232/4311/11/0, synthesizer, strings
Duration: 1 h 25 min
(Aurora Marthens, soprano Olivia Kyllönen, mezzosoprano I.Kamchilina, piano: The Seal Song-duet op.86b, arrangement from a part of the I act.) recorded 2013
Commissioned by The Savonlinnan Opera Festival Fp. Olavinlinna Castle 20.7.2013
Publisher Music Finland
Timo-Juhani Kyllönen
Norppaooppera (The Seal Opera op.86 Extracts from different parts of the Opera
with soloists, Choir and Orchestra. Cond. Atso Almila
Ilona irti (“Release the Joy”) Op. 100 monologue opera for soprano and chamber ensemble in 11 scenes
Composed: 2018–2020
chamber opera
Libretto by Leena Lehtolainen (in Finnish) Tema: About #Metoo# and the position of women in modern society.
1 soprano role , chamber ensemble:
violin,cello and piano.
Duration: ca.70 min
Commissioned and produced by The Organ Night & Aria-festival Espoo, Finland Conductor Timo-Juhani Kyllönen Directed by Juulia Tapola
Fp. Espoo Cathedral, Finland August 18.2022
Publisher: Fennica Gehrman
Timo-Juhani Kyllönen
Ilona irti (“Release the Joy” op.100 DVD-film of the monologue opera
with Aurora Marthens, soprano, Trio Roozeman. Conductor Timo-Juhani Kyllönen
El Libro de los Reyes(The Book of Kings) Op. 30/79
Composed: 1992–1993, 1996–1997
children’s opera
Libretto by Maritza Núñez (in Spanish and Finnish, Finnish translation by Jaana Lappo)
2 major roles (baritone and bass), 10 minor roles/choir and orchestra:
1111/1110/11/0, synthesizer, piano, strings
Duration: 1 h 20 min
O. Palmgren: Spegling
Arranged: 2004
Text by Jarl hemmer (in Swedish)
solo voice+female choir (SSA)
Publisher: Nils-Georgs Musikförlags Ab
Lasse Mårtenson: Prästkrage
Arranged: 2004
Text by Benedict Zilliacus (in Swedish)
female choir (SA)
Publisher: F-Kustannus
TV Programmes on Timo-Juhani Kyllönen
“Harmonikkaopissa Moskovassa” (“Studying the accordion in Moscow”)
Portrait of Timo-Juhani Kyllönen the student:
accordion, composition and conducting.
Fb: May 22, 1982, Channel TV 1, Finland
Directed by Ria Karhila
“Sävelopissa Moskovassa” (“Studying composition in Moscow”)
Portrait of Timo-Juhani Kyllönen the post-graduate student: composition.
Fb: January 15, 1988, Channel TV 1, Finland
Directed by Ria Karhila
Maestro. Portrait of a Finnish Composer. “Ihminen syntyy säveltäjäksi”
Säveltäjä Timo-Juhani Kyllösen sielunmaisema. (“Either you are born a composer, or you are not.” The soulscape of composer Timo-Juhani Kyllönen.)
Fb: January 26 and 30, 1997, Channel MTV 3, Finland
Directed by Pekka Hako
Fp: first performance
Fbp: first broadcast performance
Fb: first broadcast (TV programme)