Composer, Conducter, Accordionist Timo-Juhani Kyllönen

Curriculum vitae / Timo-Juhani Kyllönen
– TV1, Finland: Portrait of Timo-Juhani Kyllönen the student: accordion,
composition and conducting. F.p. of my String Quartet No.1.op.3 ”In Memory of a Friend” at The Friendship House in Moscow with The String Quartet of Composers Union.It was also recorded by The Radio Broadcasting Company in Moscow and broadcasted also in Finland by YLE-Radio. Fp: String Quartet of the Composers’ Union of the USSR (S. Ryabov, I violin, M. Dolgopolsky, II violin, M. Vinogradov, viola, K. Tsvetkova, cello),
Moscow, December 5, 1985
Publisher: Modus Music
- First Profile Concert 10.2.1986 Profile Concert of my works at The Moscow Architects Concert House, broadcasted by The Moscow Radio. Performers: The Soviet TV and Radio String Quartet, Timo-Juhani Kyllönen, accordion etc.
– Second Profile Concert 6.4. This was in fact the first concert arranged entirely for a foreign student by the Tchaikovsky Conservatoire. The department of composition of The Tchaikovsky Conservatoire gave this big honour with excellent Russian ensembles and musicians as The Yurlov Mixed Choir, TV and Radio String Quartet, Vesnjanka Children´s Choir, etc.
- First performance (6.5.) in Finland, Helsinki Ritarihuone (Maison de la Noblesse de Finlande) of my Ciclo para coro mixto op.5(1985) (Cycle for mixed choir á cappella) with The Finnish Radio Chamber Choir, cond. Ilmo Riihimäki.
- Helsinki Festival and its artistic Director Veijo Varpio organised 26.7.1986 my Third Profile Concert that same year at The Temppeliaukio Church with Finnish Chamber Choir, cond .E-O Söderström, Janne Aalto, v-c, Maija Kontunen, violin, Ritva-Liisa Korhonen, soprano, Heini Kärkkäinen, piano Timo-Juhani Kyllönen, accordion, String Quartet, etc. F.p. of my Trio No.1 op.9 for acc.v-c, and violin.
F.p. at the Sibelius-Academy Concert Hall of my Elegia op.15 ”quasi una sonata”in Memory of Kira Tsvetkova” for violin and piano. Nachum Erlich, violin, Ilkka Paananen, piano.
– TV1, Finland: Portrait of Timo-Juhani Kyllönen the post-graduate student:
Studying composition at The Tchaikovsky Conservatory 1982-1986.
– Fontek Records (Japan) published ”Danza Negroide”op.7d performed by the
Tapiola Choir (Cond. Erkki Pohjola), which has performed it around the entire world (Europa, USA,Australia, Japan etc.).
-”String Quartet Nr.1” op.3 performed in Prague and Bratislava by The Prague
String Quartet at two festivals with Finnish Contemporary Music.
– TV1, Finnish and Swedish TV: Broadcasted my ”String Quartet Nr. 1” op.3 “In Memory of a Friend” performed by The Sibelius-Academy Quartet.
– In autumn I was invited by the Composers Union of Turkmenistan to the capital Ashgabat. My ”String Quartet no.1” op.3 and Elegia “Quasi Una Sonata” op.15 was performed by Turkmenistanian musicians.
– The Arts Prize was given to me by the City of Espoo.
– ”Symphony Nr.1” op.8 was performed by Tampere Symphonic Orchestra. Latvian National Philharmonic Orchestra also performed it in November.
– Commission and first performance by the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival of
my ”String Quartet Nr.2” op.23. Later that year it was performed by the
same Hungarian Keller Quartet in Budapest Contemporary Music Festival and in Italy Festival.
– Profile Concert with my works in Hämeenlinna (Finland).
– Dutch Radio made a one hour long portrait of my music and me.
– Finlandia Records published a CD (FACD-377) with only my compositions (international distribution).
– Profile Concert with my works in Paris with musicians from Paris (Quator de
Marais). Among them Alan Seve and Max Bonnay.
– I was invited to two contemporary music festivals in Gdansk and Legnica where
my ”Disconsolation” op.16 for oboe and organ was performed.
– The Finnish government awarded me a three year long composition grant (1991-93).
1991 – 1992
– I was invited to St Peterburgh’s Contemporary Spring Music Festival, where my
”String Quartet” Nr.1 op.3 was performed by The Mozarteum String Quartet.
– The Children’s choir Candiris published a CD with my works.
– I was invited to Ennis Summer School of Composition in Ireland where I worked as a teacher in composition and held lectures of my music.
– The Latvian National Philharmonic Orchestra performed ”Awakening” op.23b at the contemporary music festival “Arsenals” in Riga (broadcasted by the
Latvian TV).
– Two profile concerts were held in two Swedish towns (Västerås and Skinnskatteberg) with myself as a performer. They were directly broadcasted on Swedish Radio. Furthermore they made a portrait of me before the both concerts.
– Ondine Records published a CD with my ”Cycle for Mixed Chorus” op.5
performed by The Tapiola Chamber choir (international distribution).
– Two Profile concerts with my works were held in Kirkkonummi and Espoo where I conducted Vox Artis Chamber Orchestra.
– I worked periodically as a conductor with different orchestras, conducting mainly my own compositions but also other classical repertoar.
– I was invited as a composer in residence to the Schloss-Agathenburg
Festival in Stade, Germany. Das Philharmonische Kammerorchester
Hamburg performed my ”Suite for String Orchestra” op.27. Additionally I had a concert with my works where I played the accordion in my ”Trio Nr.1” op.9 for violoncello, violin and accordion. My two string quartets among other works were also performed In Hamburg by The Kerava Quartet.
– I was invited to Cork International Choral Festival as this year’s foreign
composer to write a commission for the 31 st Seminar on Contemporary
Choral Music to be performed during one of the programmes of the
41st Cork International Choral Festival by The Radio and TV Chamber
Choir of Ireland. In addition to this, I was a judge for the Seán O Riada
Memorial Trophy Competition. In addition to this I had a concert in Dublin of
my works acting myself as accordion soloist with the Degani String Quartet
(Irland). In the concert were performed among others my Trio N.o 1 op 9 (vl, vlc, acc).
Concert variations ”Come.come my dear” op.2 for accordion.
– The Candiris Choir published a CD-disc with three ”Suites for Children’s choir op.7, op.14, 0p.10, for
distributed by Fg-musiikki.
– In May I had a Profile Concert with my children’s choir works conducting myself the Candiris Choir in the Tapiola Concert Hall,
in addition the first performance
of my Trio No.3 op.35 (1994) was played by the Trio Toivio (piano, cello,
flute). In this concert I had also the first performance of my composition ”Tussilago” op.36 for children’s choir and piano.
– First performance of ”Alleluia, Vidimus Stellam” op.37a performed by the St. Michael Brass Ensemble in Kirkkonummi-church 5.6.1994. First performance of my composition Horus op.34 for soprano and cello commissioned by the Joensuu Festival-95 performed by Solveig Faringer (soprano) and Aage Kvalbein (cello) 22.6.1994.
– In February my ”Trio N:o 3” op.35 was performed as the obligatory composition at the V Juvenalia Chamber Music Competition for young musicians in the Tapiola Concert Hall which later was broadcasted 4.3.-95 for the second
time in Finnish radio. 13.7.1995 there was a first performance in Espoo
Cathedral, of a new composition ”Lux Aeterna” op.39 for soprano Kirsi Tiihonen (winner of international Mirjam Helin Song Competition 1994), organist Kari
Jussila and accordion (Timo-Juhani Kyllönen).Composition-CD Sacral Music distributed by FUGA-records.
– In December radio recording of ”Lux Aeterna” op.39 and ”Ave Maria” op.13
(organ and soprano) with Kirsi Tiihonen, Kari Jussila and myself playing the
accordion. It was broadcasted 29.7.1996.
– 28.1. The Raahe Music Weeks arranged a concert of my works with the
Mitos Ensemble (Tapiola Sinfonietta’s musicians),Antti Tikkanen, violin,Kalle Toivio, piano, Riikka Hakola, sop.Juha Kotilainen, bar. I also participated in the
concert playing the accordion.
– 16.3. The Female Choir Lyran (from the Helsinki University), First performance of ”Gudarnas Lyra” op.40 (1995) (female choir with percussion) at The Solemnis
Hall, Helsinki University. It was commissioned by the choir for its 50th
anniversary concert. The conductor of the Lyran women’s choir at this time was Johanna Almark.
– 15.5. Concert of my works in Tel Aviv, Israel, with Israeli, Polish, Danish,
Finnish musicians and myself on the accordion playing at the Zoa House
concert Hall in the center of Tel Aviv. In connection with the concert the
Israel Classical FM broadcasting Company IBA “Voice of Music” made a
direct broadcast one hour programme of me and my music playing
compositions from my Finlandia records CD and Candiris choir CD. The
interview was made over telephone from Jerusalem.
– 12.10. Concert of my works in Oulu, Finland during the Tulindberg Weeks,
where I also acted in two compositions as chamber-musician and soloist.
The Oulu conservatory arranged also a lecture, where I talked about my
aesthetical and philosophical views.
– 8.12. First performance of ”Havis Amanda” op.20 (1988) for male choir a
cappella by Laulumiehet (Helsinki) at the Solemnis Hall of the Helsinki
University, conductor Urpo Rauhala.
– 15.3. First performance of ”Two Kalevala Songs” op.41 for female choir and
piano in Porvoo with The Joensuu Female Choir (commissioned by them)
who held their concert as The Women’s Choir of 1996 on SULASOL annual
women’s choirs days. Conductor was Saara Juvonen.
– 13.4. The percussion ensemble Kanki performed ”Contrasts” op. 22 (1988) at
the Sibelius Academy Chamber Music Hall in Helsinki.
– 14.5. The Male Choir Laulumiehet performed ”Havis Amanda” op.20 at the
concert hall of Ritarihuone, Helsinki. The conductor was Ensti Pohjola.
– 26.6. Concert of my works in Turku old castle in connection with “Turun
Linnan Yösoitto”-festival with Ilari Lehtinen (flute) Ville Urponen (organ)
Taina Piira (soprano), Jukka Juvonen (piano), Maarit Kirvessalo (violin), Jaakko
Salovaara (violoncello) and T-J Kyllönen (accordion).
– 8.8. Concert of my works in Santos, Brasil at the Municipal Theatre in
connection with Musica Nova Contemporary Music Festival with Brasilian
musicians. Ana Maria Chamorro (cello) Laercio Diniz (violin), Renata Torres
(clarinet), Antonio Eduardo (piano) and T-J Kyllönen (accordion). During this
concert two compositions got their first performances. These were ”Preludio” for piano (1978) and ”Three Alleluias” for acc. violin and cello. TV and radio interviews followed.
– 14.8. Concert of my works and workshop in Sao Paolo during Musica Nova contemporary music festival. Same musicians and programme except for the pianist who was Beatrice Balzi.
– 12.8. 40 minute programme about me and my music by the classical radio
channel in Sao Paolo with approximately two million listeners.
– 19.8. The pianists Antonio Eduardo and Beatrice Balzi performed ”Trilogy”
for two pianos op.4 and a second composition of mine ”Elegia” “Quasi Una
Sonata” op.15 (1987) for violin and piano with Laercio Diniz, violin and
Antonio Eduardo, piano in Sao Paolo. This was also a concert within the same 33 Musica Nova Festival, 5.8-23.8.1997 (the eldest contemporary music festival in Latin America). I was told that I was the first Scandinavian composer with their own profile concert at the Musica Nova Festival and in Brasil.
– 1.10-9.10. I was invited by the Habana Festival, Cuba with workshop about own
compositions and concert where three of my compositions, ”Ciclo de dos
canciones” op.6 for soprano and piano (1985), ”Contemplation in Blue” op.25
(1990) and ”Trio no.2” op.18 (1988) for violin, cello and piano were performed
by Cuban musicians: Ivette Frontela Rico, piano, Irving Frontela Rico, violin,
Dayami Perez Ruiz, soprano, Mylene Alvarez, cello Walter Lopez, clarinet.
– 2.Dec. My ”Trio no.4” op.38 (1994) for accordion, flute and violin appeared on
a CD-Finger on the Pulse, New Finnish chamber music, SMLCD 1997,
published by the Association of Finnish Music Schools.
– 19.1. ”Ciclo de dos Canciones” op.6 was performed by Kalle Toivio, piano
and L.Loponen at the Sibelius-Academy Lied-concert organised by Gustav
– 21.2. The Joensuu Female choir performed ”Two Kalevala Songs” op.41
(1996) at a Kalevala Festival in Joensuu.
– 22.6-29.6. Invitation from XII SEMANA CULTURAL DEL ACCORDEON.
First performance of ”Horus II” op.49 and ”Three Alleluia Songs” op 45b for
accordion (Timo-Juhani Kyllönen) and violoncello (Sami Mäkelä) at the
Inernational Accordion Festival in Spain, Zarautz. I gave also three seminars
about my compositions (choir and chamber music) during the festival.
– 27.7. I had a performance of my ”Concert Variations on a Finnish folksong”
op.2 for accordion solo and an interview at the “Huomenta Suomi”-direct
broadcasting program on the Finnish TV-3 channel.
– 2.8. The Johan Willgren-Festival in Orivesi, Finland chosed me as their
composer in residence for the year 1998. I had a concert with my works at
the Orivesi Church with musicians from the Tapiola Sinfonietta (Mitos
Ensemble) Harri Mäki, cl., Timo Holopainen, violin, Robert Roozeman,
piano, Tomas Djupsjöbacka, violoncello, Taina Piira, soprano, Ville Urponen, organ,Timo-Juhani Kyllönen, accordion. First performance of ”Two KalevalaSongs” for soprano and piano op.47 (1997/1998).
– 10.11. Concert of my works in Lima, Peru on the European culture-weeks
organised by the EC and Catholic University of Lima. First performance of
”Dondiegos” op.49b for soprano and piano performed by Nikolai Maloff and
Jaqueline Terry (soprano). Other musicians in the concert: String Quartet of
Lima, Ilari Lehtinen, flute., Luis Eca, clarinet., Laszlo Benedek, violin, Timo-Juhani Kyllönen, accordion, Alejandro Ferreira, violin, Cesar Pacheco, violoncello and Roberto Gonzales viola.
– The whole concert was broadcast by The Classic FM radiostation in Lima for
more than one million listeners on the Independence Day of Finland (6.12.98).
– 27.2. The Mississippi University Mixed Choir, cond. Jerry Jordan performed
my ”Ciclo para coro mixto” op.5 for an audience of 8000 choir conductors in
the public in Chicago, U.S.A at an international congress for choir conductors.
They won first prize with my choir composition a cappella in Milano 1999.
– 15.5. A CD with my composition ”Helsinki Rhapsody” op.50 (1998) for
soprano and symphonic orchestra was published on a disc by K-tel
International (Finland) Oy with the name 16 Songs of Helsinki year 2000 .
The recording of this and ”Homage to Väinämöinen” op.53 (1999) was recorded in Jyväskylä 3.2.99 with Jyväskylä Sinfonia, soprano Kirsi Tiihonen
and conductor Timo-Juhani Kyllönen.
– 5.12. First performance of my cantata for symphonic band, choir,
declamator and soprano ”Meren kaupunki” op.52 (1998-1999) on the 350-
years anniversary of the City of Raahe with text by Eino Leino. Performers:
Raahen puhallinorkesteri, soprano Heli Rättyä, cond. Jarmo Marjomaa
(Commission by the City of Raahe).
– 25.12. First performance of my ”Christmas Suite” op.56 (1999) in three parts
for soprano, organ, piccolo trumpet, flugelhorn and trumpet in Bb during the
Christmas Day Mass from Espoo Old Church at 9.00 a.m. broadcasted by
Finnish TV-2. Commissioned by Esbo svenska församling in connection
with the Millenium (year 2000). Performers: Kirsi Tiihonen, soprano,
Albinus Borg, piccolo trumpet, fl.horn, trumpet in Bb, Pia Bengts, organ.
– A Japanese choir, who won a national choir competition in Japan 1999,
recorded on their cd my ”Cycle for mixed choir” op.5.
– A youth choir from Venezuela recorded 1999 my ”Danza Negroide”
op.7d on their CD.
– 27.1. First performance of my Symphonic Poem ”Lichtenthal” op.43 (1998) for
Symphonic Orchestra in Turku, commissioned by the Turku Philharmonic
Orchestra. Cond. Alexander Vakoulsky.
– 28.1. Same concert again with ”Lichtenthal” op.43.
– 25.5. Performance of ”Awakening” op.23b by The Vasa Philharmonic
Orchestra and The Seinäjoki Orchestra. In Seinäjoki 25.5. and in Vasa 26.5.
– 2.6. First performance of ”Metsässä tuulee” op.58 for Symphonic Orchestra
and mixed choir text by Aale Tynni. 1. ”Metsässä tuulee” 2. ”Leivonen”
Commissioned by the Helsinki University Department of Philosophy
Academic Degree Ceremony 2000.
First performance: Helsinki University Orchestra, Akateeminen Laulu (prep.Seppo Murto), conductor Jan Söderblom.
– 8.6. Performance of ”Meren kaupunki”(”The City by the Sea” (Tilli Edition) op.52 b for soprano and wind and brass orchestra. Kaartin soittokunta cond. Elias Seppälä, soprano Johanna Rusanen. Urkuyö ja Aaria festival at he Espoo Cathedral.
– 10.6. First public performance of ”Helsinki Rhapsody op.50” by The Helsinki
Philharmonic Orchestra cond. Leif Segerstam, soprano, Kirsi Tiihonen.
Anniversary-concert dedicated to Helsinki on its 450 years anniversary at
the Finlandia-house.
– 20.6. The Missisippi University Choir Concert singers made a commission
from me to write a choir composition a cappella for their choir.
– 9.6. First performance of ”Rosor” op.57 for soprano, female choir and
symphonic orchestra at the big Song Festival Concert organised and
commissioned by the Finlands svenska sång- och musikförbund. Soprano
Kirsi Tiihonen, large female choir (ca.250 women) Kauniainen Symphony
Orchestra, cond. Timo-Juhani Kyllönen (9.6.2001) Tapiola Sport Hall,
– 11.5. First performance of my composition ”Skumögt i mörkret” op.42 (1997) text by Gustav Fröding for male choir by the Brahe Djäknar male choir cond. Heikki Seppänen at the Turku University Solemnis Hall. Performance of ”Stå upp
min älskade” op.46 for female choir, Flora female choir, same place and
conductor as above mentioned.
– 19.5. First performance of ”Tarhapöllö Op.59” (first part of ”Finnish Suite for mixed choir) commissioned by Wiipuri Student Association, cond.Erkki Pullinen,
Ritarihuone Hall, Helsinki.
– I composed a ”Concerto for Accordion and Symphonic
Orchestra” op.60 commissioned by the Madetoja säätiö and the Finnish Accordion Institute, which first performance will be next autum, 22.9 2001 at
First International Lasse Pihlajamaa Accordion Competition, Tampere
Concert Hall. Broadcasted on YLE 1 radio 22.9. 19.30.
First performance was 22.9.2001 with Matti Rantanen as accordion soloist and
Uusi nuori kamariorkesteri cond. Jani Telaranta and broadcasted on YLE 1 radio
– 16.11.2001 I had a Profile Concert of my works in New York(In Memory of the victims of WTC), at The Saint Peter Church
with well known musicians from New York. There was one first performance:
”Lux Aeterna” op.39b for accordion, flute and organ. Accordion, Timo-Juhani
Kyllönen, Ulla Suokko, flute and Cameron Carpenter, organ . Violoncello, Pia Gerlach, Krystof Witek, violin Eric Huebner, piano.
Before the concert 15.11. I held a lecture about my compositions at the
department of music at the Columbia University in New York. The head of
Composition department Alfred Lehrdal invited me.
– 25.-27.3. I was invited by the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque in
U.S.A to the Donald Robb International Symposium to give lectures about
my music and I participated in panel discussions. Three of my compositions
were performed in concerts during this symposium.
– 9.5. First performance of ”Kylttyyri” op.59b (second part of Finnish Suite for mixed choir) commissioned by Wiipuri Student Association, cond. Päivi Kiiski,
Balder Hall, Helsinki.
– 13.3. First performance of my work ”Concerto grosso” for orchestra op.65 by TheVaasa Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. Hannu Norjanen.
– 10.5. First performance of the Orchestral version of ”Two Kalevala Songs” op.41c, Joensuu Conservatory Orchestra and Joensuu Female Choir, cond. Saara Elomaa.
The Joensuu Female choir published a CD recording in April 2003 with among other compositions the orchestral version of ”Two Kalevala Songs”.
– 24.7. Profile Concert at The Organ and Night festival, Espoo Old Church.
First performance ”All Beautiful You Are” op.64 in two parts for baritone Juha Kotilainen and organist Kari Jussila (commissioned by the festival).
– 19.12. ”Concert for Accordion” op.60 was performed at the St Petersburg
Philharmonic Big Concert Hall. My ”Accordion Concerto” was performed by the
accordionist prof. Oleg Sharov, the St Petersburg Cappella Symphony
Orchestra and conductor Alexander Chernushenko.
– From January I was nominated as Composer in Residence of Imatran
seudun musiikki-instituutti for the year 2004 and I continued until 2005,
because I had a Concert of my Works in Imatran Hovi Concert Hall
11.3.2004 with musicians from the Imatra Music Institute.
– 1.3. Kyrkslätts Damkör (Women´s Choir) which I conducted 1999-2013,
published its first 25-years anniversary CD. The CD includes the following of
my choir compositions: ”Suite of two songs” for women’s choir op.19, ”Stå
upp min älskade” op.46 for SSAA choir a cappella, ”Tussilago” op.36 for SSA
choir, piano and flute, ”Rosor” op.57 for soprano, orchestra and women´s
choir. The cd includes also some of my arrangement for choir, piano and
accordion. The CD is distributed by From 2013 until now, I am conducting the mixed choir Esbo Arbis Kammarkör. I composed the music for a documental film produced by the TV-2, Ilkka Vehkalahti and Masterus Oy, director was Jari Kokko. I am also acting and playing the accordion in this fictive document about studies in Moscow in the years 1976-1986 etc.
Premier was broadcasted by TV-2 in Finland on 22.11.2004.
4.5. I conducted the orchestral version of my ”Suite for
Children´s Choir” op.7 with the String Orchestra and Children´s Choir with
soloists from this Music Institute at the Culture Centre Hall in Imatra.
– In september, I finished my Trio No.5 op.72 for flute, violin and piano
commissioned by SMOL (Music Institute Association of Finland) which had its first performance in Imatra 12.5.2005.
– In April I finished a commission made by the Sibelius-Akatemia and their
kantele artist and teacher Ritva Koistinen. First performance of my
composition Two Nocturnes op.69 for solo kantele was held the 12.1.2005 at the
Concert Hall of Sibelius Academy.
– 13.10. Violoncellist Seeli Toivio and pianist Valerija Resnjan gave first
performance to my ”Two Romances”op.70 for violoncello and piano at the Pieksämäki Pollen Concert Hall and
in Helsinki 23.11. at the Sibelius Academy.
– A new composition ”Dies Irae”op.74 for string orchestra commissioned by The
Wegelius String Orchestra and Madetoja-säätiö was performed in
autumn 2005 in Turku conducted by Anna-Maria Helsing.
– 16.1. First performance of ”Two-Kalevala Nocturnes” op.69 at the Pimu-Festival organized by the Sibelius-Academy. Kantele soloist was Jenni Vartiainen..
– 11.3. Concert with works by Timo-Juhani Kyllönen in Imatran konserttihovi
organised by The Imatran musiikki-instituutti. First performance of ”Mua
suutele kerran” op.71b. soprano, Sini Kouvonen, accordion, T-J Kyllönen.
– 12.5. Half concert with my works at The Imatra Concert Hall. First
performance of Trio No.5 op.73 for violin, flute and piano.
First performance of the Orchestral version of ”Cycle for Children´s choir” op.7 and
I conducted Mansikkala-schools girl’s choir Two Songs for SSA choir op.19a-b.
”Ha cantado la Alondra” and ”Barcarola” for flute, choir and piano.
– 10.3. Savonlinna String Quartet performed my ”String Quartet No.1” op.3
“In Memory of a Friend” on The Day of Finnish Music in Savonlinna
Concert Hall.
– 19.3. Alexander-Quartet also performed the same ”String Quartet No.1” op.3
in a concert held in Kirkkonummi Church(Kirkkonummi 675 anniversary
celebration concert)
– 14.10. First performance of ”Helsinki Overture” op.51 for trumpet and orchestra
At the Kuhmotalo Concert Hall by The Lentua Sinfonietta, conductor,
Jukka-Pekka Kuusela.
– 19.10. (second broadcast onTV) I composed the music for a documental film
produced by the TV-2, Ilkka Vehkalahti and Masterus Oy, director was Jari
Kokko. I am also acting and playing the accordion in this fictive document
about studies in Moscow in the years 1976-1986 etc. Premier was
broadcasted by TV-2 in Finland on the 22.11.2004.
– 16.11. Profile Concert of my works at The Sibelius Academy Concert Hall with
famous artists and teachers from the Sibelius-Academy (Risto Lauriala,
Juha Kotilainen, Matti Rantanen, Ritva Koistinen, E.T and Hui-Ying
Tawaststjerna, Jukka Savijoki, Seeli Toivio, Linda Hedlund, T-J Kyllönen.
First performance of ”Hermes” op.74 for two accordions, Duo Luosujärvi-Sjöberg.
– 4.12 and 5.12 The FST TV- channel broadcasted, Ratatosk (Swedish
Culture program in Finland)) with my interview and performance of my work
“Birdimprovisation” (Myself playing the Midi-Accordion).
– 31.1. First performance of ”Contemplation in Blue”op.25c for solo-horn by Pasi Pihlaja, (Solistiyhdistyksen konserttisarja, Helsingin konservatorio) Stadia Concert Hall, Helsinki.
– 5.3. The Wegelius Chamber Strings, cond. Anna-Maria Helsing gave first
performance of my composition for string orchestra ”Dies Irae” op.74 (2005)
which is dedicated to the Victims of the Tsunami in Asia. First performance
was in Sigyn Hall Turku and later in autumn second performance in Helsinki.
– 9.4. Peformance of Meren kaupunki op.52 for soprano and Symphonic Band
in Mariehamn, Åland with the Youth Wind Band Orchestra of Åland,
conductor Åke Hillar.
– 13.4.-15.4. Performances of my compositions for accordion, violincello, violin
and baritone, ”Arkkiveisu Kuikka-Koposesta” op., ”Three Alleluias” op.48 for Accordion and violoncello.
First performance of my Ave Maria op.13c for v-c and piano at the Heta Musicfestival, Enontekiö Church. Musicians. Seeli Toivio, Juha Kotilainen, Linda Hedlund, Kalle Toivio and Timo-Juhani Kyllönen.
– 23.4. Kuusankoski concert also with the same musicians. Performance of my
”Concert Variations On A Finnish folksong Come, come my dear” op.2 for accordion, ”Arkkiveisu Kuikka-Koposesta” etc.
– November first performance of my ”Munch-Svit” op.76 for mixed Choir
in Oslo, Norway Munch Museum. Schola Cantorum mixed choir, cond.Tone Bianca Dahl. I gave lectures about my compositions at The University of Oslo.
– After a meeting in Februari with the director of Alba-Records and its
coordinator Matti Tuomisto, director Timo Ruottinen gave green light
for three different CD:s with my compositions: 1. Orchestral compositions
(Symphony No.1 op.8, Accordion Concerto op.60, Concerto grosso op.65
and Lichtenthal op.43). 2. CD: My Church Music with Juha Kotilainen,
baritone, Kirsi Tiihonen, soprano, Kari Jussila, organ, Lauri Toivio, flute,Veli
Kujala, accordion, Seeli Toivio, violoncello and Antti Räty, trumpet. 3.CD:
with my works for women´s choir and orchestra. The orchestra for this
project was Amici Musici Orchestra cond. Luis Ramirez, soprano, Kirsi
Tiihonen and Female singers from the Tapiola Chamber Choir.
– February 6.4. Concert of my orchestral compositions in St Petersburg with the
Academic State Capella Symphonic Orchestra cond. Aleksander Chernuchenko at the Capella Concert Hall (”Symphony No.1” op. 8, ”Accordion Concerto” op.60, ”Concerto grosso” op. 65 and ”Lichtenthal” op. 43).
– 11.10. First performance of my ”Amor Vivus” op. 77 (text by Maritza Núñez)
in Kuopio Culture Centre. Commissioned by The Kuopio City Symphonic
Orchestra. Cond. Atso Almila, Baritone Juha Kotilainen. Broadcasted on YLE-Radio 1.
– 18.11. First performance of my Opera ”Roope” op. 76 (libretto, Leena Laulajainen),at the Martinus Concert Hall, Vantaa, Amici Musici Orchestra, soloists and choir from Suzuki Voice and Crescendo Vocal Ensemble. Conductor, Timo-Juhani Kyllönen.
– 6. 11. Concert of my works in San Jose, Costa Rica. Bach-Academia
Chamber Orchestra and women’s choir, conductor Timo-Juhani Kyllönen.
The following compositions were performed at the North American-Costa
Rica Culture Institutes Concert Hall in San Jose: my ”Suite for String
Orchestra” op.27, ”Suite for Children’s Choir” and Orchestra op.7, ”Dies Irae”
for String Orchestra op.74, first performance of my ”String Quartet No. 1” op.3
(version for String Orchestra).
– 7. 8. First performance of ”Missa Festiva” op. 78 in 5 parts (text from the Bible) for soprano, baritone, organ, mixed choir, percussion and strings in Espoo Cathedral commissioned by the Organ Night and Aria Festival in honour of the 550 anniversary of the City of Espoo and in honour of the 550 anniversary of the
foundation of the Espoo Church. The National Opera Orchestra cond. Kari Tikka, Novena-Ensemble (preparation by Nina Kronlund), Sauli Tiilikainen,
baritone and Tiina Vahevaara, soprano.
– 12. 12. Christmas Concert and publication of the first Christmas CD with
Kyrkslätts Damkör in Masala Church, Kirkkonummi Conductor, Timo-Juhani
Kyllönen, soloists: soprano Susan Joki, soprano Aurora Kyllönen,
Bulevardens kammarorkester.
– 19.3. First performance of the opera “The Book of the Kings”
(Kuninkaiden kirja) op. 30/79 in Cadiz (Theatre Manuel de Falla), Spain in
cooperation with the Finnish Kapsäkki Opera and Theater Ensemble. The King was performed by the Finnish baritone Juha Kotilainen.
The City of Cadiz produced the opera.
– The Book of the Kings op.29 had its first performance in Finland 5.11 – 6.11. 2009 in Sello Hall, Espoo with: Juha Kotilainen, Vilma Kiviniemi and Viktor Vansen, Janne Sundqvist, Reetta Ristimäki, Juha Hostikka, Mika Nikander, Hermann Rask,Desirée Seglar Rodríguez and Pedro Miguel Calvo Durán, Hyvinkää orchestra and opera, cond. José Luis Lopéz Aranda.
– After a successful performance of Kyllönen’s opera ”Book of the Kings” in Cádiz in March, the cooperation continues with a concert at international Manuel
de Falla festival in Cádiz on 23 May, as the Gran Teatro Falla Camerata
Orchestra and Choir performed Kyllönen’s Suite for Children’s Choir no. 1.
On 26 May, Riikka Hakola and Ilkka Paananen performed Kyllönen’s ”Ciclo
de dos Canciones” Op. 6.
– Timo-Juhani Kyllönen was nominated as the composer-in-residence
for the Gran Teatro Falla Camerata Orchestra and Choir in Cádiz, Spain, for
the period 2009 – 2013. The agreement included work commissions, profile
concert (July 2010), Missa Festiva op. 78 for orchestra, mixed choir,
bariton, soprano, organ 25.5. in the international Manuel de Falla Festival
and visits at local music institutions, both as a lecturer and a musician.
– 9.1. First performance on YLE-radio of ”The Aria of the King” op.81 with baritone Juha Kotilainen Bulevard Chamber Orchestra conductor,T-J Kyllönen recording from Profile Concert 24.4.2009.
–In May, performance in Sibelius-Academy Concert Hall of my Desolazione op.16 oboe, Anna Mantere, accordion:
-2.12. Jenaer Philharmonie, first performance in Germany of my ”Symphonic Poem Lichtenthal” for Orchestra op.43 in Jena Concert Hall.
-conductor Fabrice Bollon 2.12. in The City Concert Hall of Jena.
-10.12. I conducted in Kirkkonummi Church Gabriel Faurés ”Requiem” with The Bulevard Orchestra, Kirkkonummi Women’s Choir, soloists Bariton Juha Kotilainen and soprano Aurora Kyllönen.
-18.12. I conducted a Christmas Concert with Esbo Chamber Choir in Esbo Soukka Chappell with soloists bar. Juha Kotilainen and sop. Aurora Kyllönen. There were, among other Sacral Compositions, a performance of my Missa Festiva(1 part,Kyrie) op.78 with piano accomp.
– First performance 13.1. in Finland, Espoo, Sello-Hall of my third Opera ”Tango solo” op.81 (libretto, Maritza Núñez) with Uusinta Chamber Orchestra and soprano Riikka Hakola, director Vilppu Kiljunen.
-First performance Fauno, balett music 45 min. (story about the dancer Vaslav Michinsky) in San Jose de Rio Preto, Brasil in May 2011. Commissioned by the City Theatre and its artistic director and choreographer Marcello Zamora.
-20.5. I conducted a Concert with Esbo Chamber Choir in Esbo Soukka Chappell with soloists bar. Juha Kotilainen and sop. Aurora Kyllönen. There were, among other Sacral Compositions, a performance of my Missa Festiva(4 parts,Kyrie,Gloria,Credo, Sanctus) op.78 with piano accomp.Also Messe in G-dur by Schubert, all parts were performed in the concert.
-First performance in Lima,Peru 16.3. of my new song ”No busco una verdad” Op.82 for baritone and piano on a Memorial Concert dedicated to the Peruvian poet Carmen Luz Bejarano in the Concert Hall of The University of Ricardo Palma and second concert in the Embassy of Finland,Lima. Also My Ave Maria Op.13 was performed in these two concerts by baritone Juha Kotilainen and pianist Pablo Sabat. Also 2 parts(Sirene and A Vezes ) from my Cycle Amor Vivus Op.76 for Orchestra(text Maritza Núñez) and baritone were performed in these 2 concerts. The Peruvian soprano Jaqueline Terry performed my Ciclo de Dos Cancíones Op.6 (text C.L. Bejarano and Dondiegos op.49 (text by Maritza Núñez) in the same Concert Hall of University Ricardo Palma.
-The Classical Radio station in Lima broadcasted many compositions from my new disc Sacral Music-FUGA-9301 before the concerts.
-Finnish Radio Company Yle 1 broadcasted also my Three Alleluias Op.45 for Organ, performed by Kari Jussila, from my new CD, Sacral Music in The Choice of Risto (Riston valinta) I was interviewed on a direct broadcast the 18.2. by Risto Nordell.
-20.11. I conducted a concert with Esbo Chamber Choir, Västranylands Chamber Choir and Collegium Musicantum Orchestra in Inkoo Church with soloists baritone Olli Tuovinen, soprano Aurora Kyllönen and organist Marianne Burgmann Gustavsson. We performed my composition Missa Festiva Op.78 for orchestra, organ,baritone,soprano and organ soloists and ”Gaudete” by A. Öhrwall.
– Two months stay(January-February) with a grant at the Saari Residence in Mietoinen, Finland which is maintained by Kone Foundation. At the Saari Manor, I composed a children’s opera currently entitled ”Èrase que era, el mundo”(Why just me, Miksi juuri minä)” libretto Maritza Núñez). The opera was premièred on October 6th, 2012 at the Teatro Británica in Lima, Peru. The theatre and opera house has also commissioned the work. The opera performed by both professional singers as well as by youth and children. They were accompanied by a chamber orchestra.
I finalised my Trumpet Concerto Cadiz 2012 Op. 84, which has been commissioned by the Grand Teatro Falla in Cádiz, Spain. At the première of ”The Book of the Kings”, an opera of mine in Spanish, I was chosen to be Grand Teatro Falla’s composer-in-residence (2009-2013).
I also begun working on the family opera Norppaooppera op.86 (“The Seal Opera”) commissioned by the Savonlinna Opera Festival, which was premièred at Olavinlinna Castle in July 2013.
-First performance of my Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra in Gran Teatro Falla 6.11.2012
– Finnish government awarded me a one-year composition grant (2013).
First performance of Party for Freedom Op.87 in England cross-over project with the Performance Artist Oreet Ashery. I conducted a chamber ensemble on the First of May in London. I will in the future
continue to make new projects with Oreet Ashery.
20.7. First performance of my family opera The Seal (Norppaooppera op.86) soloists, mixed choir, children’s choir, symphonic orchestra, dancers. Libretto by Ida Hämeen-Anttila at the Savonlinna Opera Festival, Olavinlinna.
19.1. First performance in Finland of my Chamber Opera ”Why Just Me”? op.85 in Sello Concert Hall, Espoo by The Juvenalia Operastudio.Direction Ville Saukkonen.
7.8. F.p of my ”Concerto for Organ, Strings and percussion” op.89 commissioned by The Organ Night and Aria Festival and performed at The Espoo Cathedral with The Finnish National Opera Orchestra, organ soloist, Ville Urponen and conducted by Marco Orbiç.
17.1. My ”Accordion Concerto”op.60 was performed by The Kirkkonummi Chamber Orchestra, conductor Jackie Shin, accordion solist, Petteri Waris.
My Accordion Concerto op.60 has been chosen as obligatory composition for 5 finalists (40 participants) at one of the most important International Klingenthal Accordion Competion in Germany 10.5.2015. After the second tour (10 participants) It was performed by the finalist 4 times with Vogtland Philharmonie Greiz/Reichenbach, conductor Dorian Keihack The Finnish Accordionist Petteri Waris won the prestigous I prize. II prize Poland, III prize Italy.
23.5. The Lausanne Chamber Orchestra performed 23.5 my ”Accordion Concerto” op.60 in Lausanne with Christel Sautaux as soloist and under the direction of the French Conductor Aurelien Azan Zidinski.
25.11.Profile Concert at the Sibelius Museum in Turku with Aurora Marthens (soprano), Juha-Pekka Vikman with Nobu Takizawa (violin), Oleg Larionov (viola), Timo Hanhinen (cello), Elias Miettinen (piano), Tanja Nisonen French horn), Ilari Lehtinen (flute), Timo-Juhani Kyllönen (digital accordion). The following compositions were performed: ”Contemplation in Blue” op.25c for French horn, ”Elegia Quasi Una Sonata”op.15 for violin and piano, ”Fantasia” for flute and piano op.28, ”Bird Improvisation” op.88 for digital accordion, ”String Quartet Nr. 2” op.23, ”Ciclo de dos canciones” op.6 and ”Dondiegos” op.48 for soprano and piano, String Quartet Nr. 1 ”In Memory of a Friend”. The Profile Concert was broadcasted by the Finnish YLE and Areena.
17.1. Bergslagens Kammarsymfoniker in Sweden nominated me as Composer in Residence, The Composer of the Year 2015. They performed several of my orchestral and chamber music compositions during July 2015 . During the Festival-week in Grängesberg they performed 18.7. my Symphony No.1 op.8, Conductor Simon Crawford-Phillips and I conducted my composition for String Orchestra “In Memory of a Friend”.
There was also the world premier of my Ceremonial Music op.83 for Brass Ensemble. They published 2015 a CD with my 1 Symphony op.8,”In Memory of a Friend”op.3b for Strings and Ceremonial Music op.83.
4.6. The Organ and Night and Aria Festival commissioned from me for their 30-Years Anniversary, Celebration Fanfare op.93 for 2 Trumpets. F.p. was at the opening concert in The Espoo Cathedral 4.6 and it was broadcasted by the Finnish Radio 1 (Yle 1).
18.5. Musiikkiteatteri Kapsäkki gave the first performance of my opera ”Spirit of the Forest” (Metsän henki op. 94) with Maritza Núñez’s libretto. It was performed ten times in different locations and at separate finnish festivals (Turku chamber opera festival, Sibbo kulturfestival etc.) after the first performance.
5.9. The Guard’s Band, conductor Jackie Shin, soloist Antti Ohenoja gave the first performance of my Marimba Concerto op.95 (Symph.Band version) at the Temppeliaukio Church in Helsinki.
6.2. The Katedraali Soi! festival (at Turku Cathedral) commissioned and gave the first performance of my composition Forgotten Heroes op.98 oratorio-opera (Unohdetut sankarit) with Maritza Núñez’s libretto in Finnish, Swedish and Russian language for a symphonic orchestra (Dux Chamber Orchestra), mixed choir (CCA-mixed choir) and soloists (Erik Rousi, Essi Luttinen, Pia Pajala, Niklas Spångberg and Aapo Korhonen).
12.6. The TampereRaw chamber ensemble and the clarinetist Janne Pesonen performed my compositions ”Contemplation in Blue” op.25 and ”Artemis” op.54 on their Youtube channel 12.5.2020.
Organ Night and Aria festival has commissioned a new chamber monologue opera ”Ilona irti”op.100 with Leena Lehtolainen’s libretto for soprano Aurora Marthens (winner of Timo Mustakallio Song Competition 2017) and Trio Roozeman (Jonathan Roozeman, violoncello Rebecca Roozeman, violin and Jan-Paul Roozeman, piano).The first performance will be performed in August 2022 at The Organ Night and Aria festival.
Espoo 1.2.2021 Timo-Juhani Kyllönen tel. +358-400-953426
Timo-Juhani Kyllönen
Vanha Muuralantie 29 B
02770 Espoo, Finland